Is my company eligible for Singapore EDG Grant?

Claim the Growth Opportunities of your company with Singapore EDG Grant!

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EDG Grant
3 min read

EDG Grant: Empowering Your Business's Growth - Find Out If You Qualify!

business consulting
Written by
PS Yeam
Published on
25 July 2023

What is Singapore EDG Grant?

The Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) helps Singapore companies grow and transform. This grant supports projects that help you upgrade your business, innovate or venture overseas under three pillars: Core Capabilities, Innovation & Productivity and Market Access.

How Singapore EDG Grant help in your business growth?

The Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) supports projects that help you upgrade, innovate, grow and transform your business. Submit your individual project proposals with details on your business plans and project outcomes to take your business further.

SMEs should meet the following criteria*:

1. Is a business entity registered and operating in Singapore
2. Has at least 30% local shareholding
3. Be in a financially viable position to start and complete the project.
Employers eligible for the SkillsFuture Enterprise Credit (SFEC) can also qualify for additional subsidies under the scheme.

*Applications will be assessed by Enterprise Singapore based on project scope, project outcomes and competency of service provider. Please consult official guidelines and liaise with Enterprise Singapore or their approved intermediaries for specific eligibility details and application procedures.

100% proven track record on successful project implementation and grant application with J&P Consulting Pte Ltd.

The Enterprise Singapore’s Enterprise Development Grant (EDG) is a valuable resource for Singaporean businesses looking to upgrade capabilities, innovate, and expand internationally. The EDG grant can provide financial assistance and expertise to upgrade capabilities, innovate and expand into international markets.

With J&P by your side, the process of applying for the EDG grant becomes a seamless and empowering experience. Our dedicated team of experts is well-versed in the intricacies of the grant application process, ensuring that your company's application is thoroughly prepared and meets all the necessary requirements. We start by understanding your unique business needs and growth goals, enabling us to tailor the application to showcase how the EDG grant will strategically benefit your company's development. From guiding you through the eligibility assessment to assisting with the compilation of relevant documents and proposal write-ups, we take care of the entire application process. With J&P's extensive experience and knowledge, you can rest assured that your application stands the best chance of approval. Trust us to unlock the potential of the EDG grant for your business, so you can focus on what matters most – driving innovation and taking your company to new heights. Let's collaborate and seize the opportunity for accelerated growth together.
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